Hearing regarding San Francisco’s Emergency Warning System, specifically the City’s 65 emergency sirens, to investigate the following questions:
(1) In the light of recent news regarding the existence of numerous “acoustic shadows” or dead spots in the siren network, what is the current system capability? Where is it currently audible? Where is it not audible?
(2) Why has the City chosen not to pre-record warning messages for a variety of catastrophic events?
(3) What preparations have been made to have live messages in real-time in various languages at the time of a catastrophic disaster in San Francisco? What are the written protocols for such? What language capacity is there for such? During what hours of the day?
(4) Did the current contractor fail to fulfill the original scope of work? If so, when did the City realize the system was not working per the specifications in the original proposal?
(5) If upgrades or repairs are necessary to remedy shortfalls in the existing siren system, what is the estimated cost and funding source for these repairs? Will this additional funding be subject to the budgetary authority of the Board of Supervisors? When would these upgrades be completed?