Ordinance accepting an irrevocable offer for a public sidewalk easement on the Brighton Avenue Extension north of Ocean Avenue and accepting an easement for these purposes; accepting an irrevocable offer for improvements and real property related to Lee Avenue north of Ocean Avenue and accepting a grant deed for these purposes; authorizing the conditional acceptance of an irrevocable offer for sidewalk improvements for Ocean Avenue east of Lee Avenue; declaring such areas to be open public right-of-way and dedicating them for right-of-way and roadway purposes; accepting maintenance and liability for these areas subject to certain limitations; establishing public right-of-way width and sidewalk width for the Lee Avenue and the Ocean Avenue sidewalks; approving an interdepartmental transfer of property for a portion of Lee Avenue and for a sidewalk area fronting a portion of Ocean Avenue; approving and making findings, including environmental findings and general plan and priority policy findings; and authorizing official acts in connection with this Ordinance.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. DPW_Ltr_020513, 3. MTA_Ltr_102413, 4. PC_Motion_17885, 5. PC_Motion_18153, 6. DPW_Map_A-17-168, 7. DPW_Map_Q-20-697, 8. DPW_Permit_091E-0693, 9. DPW_Order_181894, 10. Offer_Dedication_Lee_Ave, 11. Grant_Deed_Lee_Ave, 12. Offer_Dedication_Brighton_Ave, 13. Easement_Agmt, 14. Comm_Pkt_112513, 15. Leg_Dig_Ver1, 16. Leg_Ver2, 17. Board_Pkt_121013, 18. Board_Pkt_121713, 19. Leg_Final