Ordinance amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map, by adding Section 249.71, to create the Yerba Buena Center Mixed-Use Special Use District (SUD) located at 706 Mission Street, Assessor’s Block No. 3706, Lot No. 093, and portions of Lot No. 277, to facilitate the development of the 706 Mission Street, The Mexican Museum and Residential Tower Project, by modifying specific Planning Code regulations related to permitted uses, the provision of a cultural/museum use within the SUD, floor area ratio limitations, dwelling unit exposure, height of rooftop equipment, bulk limitations, and curb cut locations; amending the Zoning Map to add the SUD and increase the height of property in the SUD from 400 feet to 480 feet; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Dig_Ver1, 3. Planning_Ltr_060313, 4. PC_Motion_18875, 5. PC_Res_18876, 6. PC_Motion_18877, 7. PC_Res_18879, 8. Exec_Summary, 9. RPC_Res_1305-014, 10. RPC_Res_1305-015, 11. Hrg_Notice_071513, 12. Comm_Packet_071513, 13. Comm_Packet_072213, 14. Board_Packet_072313, 15. Board_Packet_073013, 16. Leg_Final