Ordinance waiving the Inclusionary Affordable Housing requirements set forth in Planning Code, Section 415 et seq., exempting 21,422 square feet from the calculation of gross floor area pursuant to Planning Code, Section 124, to allow the additional floor area, and exempting 21,422 square feet from Planning Code, Sections 123 and 128, to reduce any required transferable development rights by such amount, for a project located at 1066 Market Street, in exchange for the dedication of certain real property to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development at no cost; authorizing actions in furtherance of this Ordinance, as defined herein; adopting findings regarding the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.