Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to reduce the membership of the Behavioral Health Commission from 17 to 12 seats; provide that the full Board of Supervisors rather than individual Supervisors makes these appointments; require that at least one seat be held by a veteran or veteran advocate; reduce the minimum number of seats reserved for consumers and families of consumers from nine to six; provide two seats for mental health professionals; update staggered terms for all seats; and retain existing members.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral FYI 102323, 4. 30 Day Waiver 102523, 5. Public Corr 103023, 6. COB Memo 110223, 7. Comm Pkt 110623, 8. Public Corr 110323, 9. Comm Pkt 121123, 10. Leg Ver2, 11. Leg Dig Ver2, 12. Public Corr 011324, 13. Comm Pkt 010824, 14. Comm Rpt Req 010824, 15. COB Memo 010424, 16. COB Memo 010824, 17. Cmte Rpt 010824, 18. Leg Ver 3, 19. Leg Dig Ver3, 20. Board Pkt 012324, 21. Leg Final