Resolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to execute Power Enterprise Operating Budget-funded Agreement No. PRO.0152 with APX Incorporated to assist with power scheduling coordination services required for the SFPUC’s participation in the California Independent System Operator electricity market, for an amount not to exceed $$134,742,800 and with services anticipated to begin in April 2022, and end in March 2027, for a term of five years.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. PUC RFP 071621, 3. PUC Reso No. 22-0014 011122, 4. DRAFT Agrmt, 5. PUC Memo 012122, 6. Form 126, 7. BLA Rpt 030222, 8. Cmte Pkt 030222, 9. Leg Ver2, 10. Board Pkt 030822, 11. Form 126 Final, 12. Leg Final