Ordinance amending the Park Code to raise the fees for various goods and services at the Marina Small Craft Harbor; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. RPD Memo 022724, 4. Leg Ver2, 5. Leg Dig Ver2, 6. Referral CEQA 042624, 7. CEQA Det 042624, 8. Leg Ver3, 9. Leg Dig Ver3, 10. Referral CEQA 061024, 11. CEQA Det 071824, 12. 10-Day Fee Ad 090424, 13. REC Presentation 090424, 14. BLA Rpt 090424, 15. Cmte Pkt 090424, 16. Leg Ver4, 17. Leg Dig Ver4, 18. Referral CEQA 090424, 19. Pub Correspondence