Pursuant to Charter, Sections 2.103 and 3.100(7), and Administrative Code, Section 2.11, the Mayor shall answer the following eligible questions submitted from Supervisors representing Districts 1 and 11. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes. Discussion shall not exceed five minutes per Supervisor.
1. Mr. Mayor, alongside many of my board colleagues and our environmental and community organizations, I am grateful to learn about your commitments last week in support of renewable energy and advancing CleanPowerSF.
Following this past weekend’s March for Real Climate Leadership held in Oakland and over a decade of delay, we are closer than ever to realizing the environmental and economic benefits a true 21st Century energy system can provide. San Francisco can now reestablish itself as a national leader on climate action.
Your statements have established that you want a complete plan for providing clean energy to San Franciscans no later than December 2015. However, a final plan cannot be determined until other concrete steps are taken to advance the program.
A report ordered by our Local Agency Formation Commission and developed by EnerNex, an independent consultant, details actions the City must take prior to finalizing its plan for CleanPowerSF:
1. Procuring energy contracts.
2. Determining administrative costs
3. Establish a not-to-exceed rate
These steps will ensure that the leadership and administrative framework for CleanPowerSF are established and would allow for better estimates pertaining to basic costs and the ultimate cost for a build out plan.
Will you work with the Board of Supervisors and the Public Utilities Commission to take these preliminary steps by the summer as the final plan for CleanPowerSF is developed in order to successfully launch a program by the end of the year? (Supervisor Mar, District 1)
2. Mr. Mayor, I am excited by your recent announcement of your support for CleanPowerSF, and last week's joint SFPUC-LAFCo meeting was an encouraging first step towards making that a reality. It seems we all agree that current environment offers many new advantages to launch CleanPowerSF this year.
Unfortunately, for many residents, the only thing they will remember about CleanPowerSF is IBEW Local 1245's deceptive misinformation campaign from 2013.
Can we work together to promote our new vision for CleanPowerSF? Will you put funds in your budget for a robust media campaign to promote public awareness of CleanPowerSF as part of the City's efforts on climate change? And will you work with the PUC to expand their Project Learning Grants program to give youth summer jobs to do culturally-targeted outreach on CleanPowerSF? (Supervisor Avalos, District 11)