Resolution retroactively authorizing the Sheriff’s Department to amend the existing contract with Global*TelLink for inmate telephone services from June 1, 2010, to May 31, 2013, to June 1, 2010, to May 31, 2014, with an additional one-year option to extend the term remaining subject to future Board of Supervisors approval, which will result in an anticipated commission to the Inmate Welfare Fund of more than $3,000,000 over the four-year contract term.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Memo_081213, 3. Agmt_060113, 4. Amdmt_060113, 5. Form_126, 6. Form 126, 7. Budget_Analysts_Rpt_110613, 8. Comm_Pkt_110613, 9. Leg_Ver2, 10. Comm_Pkt_111313, 11. Budget_Analysts_Rpt_111313, 12. Board_Pkt_111913, 13. Board_Pkt_121013, 14. Leg_Ver3, 15. Leg_Final