Ordinance approving an amendment to the 2016 settlement of United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) unlitigated claim against the City and County of San Francisco approved by Resolution No. 350-16; no formal claim has been filed; the amendment resolves EPA’s claims against the City to perform additional pre-design technical studies in support of cleanup of the Yosemite Slough Sediment Site; the amendment requires the City to perform two technical studies at an estimated cost of $821,839; additional material terms of the amended settlement are that the City will contract with a third party environmental consultant to perform the studies, the City will assume responsibility for completion of the work pursuant to the amendment, the City will assume responsibility and indemnify EPA for any stipulated penalties or claims arising in connection with performance of the additional work under the amendment, and the City will reimburse EPA for its future response costs related to the additional work; and appropriating $821,839 from the Public Utilities Commission Wastewater Enterprise fund balance for payment of the costs.