Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of the Planning Department dated January 27, 2011, Case No. 2010.0162E, that a project located at 1945 Hyde Street is exempt from environmental review under Categorical Exemption, Class 32 (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332). The project site currently contains a 19,739-square-foot, two-story over basement parking garage constructed in 1920, containing 58 off-street parking spaces providing both long-term and short term parking. The proposed project would convert the building into a three-story over basement, seven-unit residential building, with 17 parking spaces provided by stackers, and one approximately 860 square-foot commercial space along Hyde Street. The existing height of the building is 32 feet and the proposed third floor addition would increase the height to 40 feet. Modifications to the building would include conversion of the front vehicular access arches into retail entrances and conversion of an arch on Russell Street into the proposed off-street parking garage entrance. The proposed 17 space parking garage would function as a combination of the following: residential parking, community monthly parking, or hourly parking, with one dedicated car-share space. Additionally, the proposed project would increase the gross-square-footage of the building from 19,739 to 25,187 square feet, Assessor's Block No. 0123, Lot No. 002. (District 3) (Appellant: Jamie Cherry on behalf of the Russian Hill Community Association).