Hearing to inquire into the transfer of the Tenderloin Self-Help Center contract from the Department of Public Health (DPH) to the Department of Human Services (DHS) about the following concerns: (1) Reduction of low-threshold, peer-based, self-help program serving mentally ill and chronically homeless people in the Tenderloin. (2) Process used in making this decision, including the community impact assessment and community input process. (3) Impact the change in program model and services will have on the community clients. (4) Justification of this decision as it relates to the City's overall plan for providing care to chronically homeless and mentally ill people who do not/cannot access traditional programs and services. (5) Budgetary impact of changes in program design as mandated by the RFP and budgetary justification for moving this contract from DPH Community Health Services to DHS Homeless Programs.