File #: 250039    Version: 1 Name: Petitions and Communications
Type: Communication Status: Filed
Introduced: 1/9/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Petitions and Communications received from December 12, 2024, through January 9, 2025, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on January 14, 2025. Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information will not be redacted. From the Office of Mayor London N. Breed (MYR), submitting an Acting-Mayor Notice, pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100, designating Supervisor Matt Dorsey as Acting-Mayor effective Saturday, December 21, 2024, at 4:33 p.m. until 9:50 p.m. on Thursday, December 26, 2024. Copy: Each Supervisor. (1) From the Recreation and Park Commission, submitting the December 19, 2024, Recreation and Park Commission meeting agenda. Copy: Each Supervisor. (2) From the Recreation and Park Department (RPD), regarding the California Coastal Commission vote to grant permit approval for the City and County of San Francisco to convert the Great Highway from Lincoln Way to Sloat Boulevard to a full-time park. Copy: Each Supervisor. (3) From the San Francisco Arts Commission (ART), submitting the December 16, 2024, Visual Arts Committee agenda; the January 6, 2025, Full Commission agenda; the January 8, 2025, Street Artists and Crafts Examiners agenda; and the January 15, 2025, Executive Committee agenda. Copy: Each Supervisor. (4) From the Department on the Status of Women (WOM), submitting a Monthly Update on the Status of Abortion Rights for the month of December 2024. Copy: Each Supervisor. (5) From the Office of the Controller (CON), pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 2.10, submitting an updated implementation status of the San Francisco Civil Grand Jury’s recommendations. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6) From the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector (TTX), submitting the Monthly Pooled Investment Report for the month of November 2024. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7) From various departments, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 12B.5-1(d)(1), submitting approved Chapter 12B Waiver Request Forms. 19 Forms. Copy: Each Supervisor. (8) From various departments, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 19B.6(a), submitting a 2024 Annual Surveillance Report. 7 Reports. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9) From the Office of the Controller (CON), submitting a Commercial Paper Program Annual Status Update for the Fiscal Year (FY) ending June 30, 2024. Copy: Each Supervisor (10) From the Office of the Sheriff’s (SHF) Inspector General, submitting a resignation letter from Inspector General Terry Wiley. Copy: Each Supervisor. (11) From the Office of the District Attorney (DAT), pursuant to Ordinance No. 10-12, submitting the San Francisco Sentencing Commission’s 2024 Annual Report. File No. 111050. Copy: Each Supervisor. (12) From the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), pursuant to Administrative Code, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 6.60(d), submitting a Declaration of Emergency regarding the Restoration of Standby Power System for Tesla Treatment Facility. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13) From the Department of Public Health (DPH), submitting a response to a Letter of Inquiry issued by Supervisor Matt Dorsey at the September 10, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (14) From the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 21.43, submitting a Power Quarterly Report on Delegated Authority Contracts. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15) From the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), submitting an Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and Transportation for Temporary Street Closures (ISCOTT) agenda for the January 9, 2025, meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16) From the Department of Building Inspection (DBI), submitting a Sensible Density Working Group Report. File No. 241047; Resolution No. 547-24. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17) From the California Fish and Game Commission, submitting a Notice of Public Scoping session regarding Waterfowl, Coot, and Moorhen Hunting; a Notice of Revised Proposed Regulatory Language Concerning Commercial California Halibut and White Seabass Set Gill Nets; and a Notice of Proposed Changes in Regulations to the Possession of Wildlife and Wildlife Rehabilitation. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18) From members of the public, regarding the Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the determination of exemption from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act issued as a Categorical Exemption by the Planning Department on October 10, 2024, for the proposed project at 1719 Wallace Avenue, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 5414, Lot No. 015, to allow the establishment of an industrial agriculture use for the purpose of cannabis cultivation in an existing, one-story industrial building within the PDR-1-B (Production, Distribution, Repair-Light Industrial Buffer) Zoning District and a 65-J Height and Bulk District. (District 10) (Appellant: Barbara Tassa) (Filed November 8, 2024). File No. 241111. 2 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19) From members of the public, regarding the Ordinance amending the Park Code to raise the fees for various goods and services at the Marina Small Craft Harbor; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. File No. 240189; Ordinance No. 293-24. 20 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20) From members of the public, regarding the Motion rejecting the Mayoral nomination for the appointment of Joanna Gubman to the Board of Appeals, for a term ending July 1, 2028. File No. 241161. 158 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21) From members of the public, regarding the Motion rejecting the Mayor’s nomination for the appointment of Sara Barz to the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors, for a term ending March 1, 2027. File No. 241162. 349 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (22) From Bob Feinbaum, regarding the Resolution commending Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin for his distinguished and trusted leadership, beloved friendship, valued guidance and counsel, and incredible tenure of public service from 2001 through 2024, on the occasion of his final Board of Supervisors meeting. File No. 241203; Resolution No. 581-24. Copy: Each Supervisor. (23) From Dennis Williams Jr., regarding equitable development. Copy: Each Supervisor. (24) From K. Miller, regarding the Monarch Hotel. Copy: Each Supervisor. (25) From Ronald F. Owens Jr., regarding Covid-19 vaccinations. Copy: Each Supervisor. (26) From Christopher D. Cook, regarding the Resolution commending Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin for his distinguished and trusted leadership, beloved friendship, valued guidance and counsel, and incredible tenure of public service from 2001 through 2024, on the occasion of his final Board of Supervisors meeting (File No. 241203; Resolution No. 581-24); the Resolution commending and honoring Dean Preston for his distinguished service as a Supervisor for the City and County of San Francisco, and declaring January 7, 2025, as Supervisor Dean Preston Day in the City and County of San Francisco (File No. 241202, Resolution No. 580-24); and the Resolution commending and honoring Supervisor Hillary Ronen for her distinguished service as the District 9 Supervisor for the City and County of San Francisco, and declaring December 22, 2024, as Supervisor Hillary Ronen Day in the City and County of San Francisco (File No. 241201, Resolution No. 582-24). Copy: Each Supervisor. (27) From Dr. Ramona I. Coates, regarding the Jumuiya Research Institute Community Project. Copy: Each Supervisor. (28) From the San Francisco Deputy Sheriff’s Association, regarding critical infrastructure needs in the San Francisco County Jail System. Copy: Each Supervisor. (29) F
Attachments: 1. Board Pkt 011425
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