Ordinance amending the Administrative Code Special Tax Financing Law, constituting Article 43.10, to authorize special tax financing of certain facilities and services related to the Central SoMa Plan Area and to make other necessary amendments.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral FYI 061118, 4. Comm Pkt 070918, 5. Comm Pkt 071618, 6. Comm Pkt 072318, 7. HPC Letter 081418, 8. Comm Pkt 091018, 9. Comm Pkt 100118, 10. Comm Pkt 101518, 11. Comm Pkt 102218, 12. Comm Pkt 102918, 13. Comm Pkt 110518, 14. Board Pkt 111318, 15. Board Pkt 112718, 16. Leg Final