Pursuant to Charter, Sections 2.103 and 3.100(7), and Administrative Code, Section 2.11, the Mayor shall answer the following eligible questions submitted from Supervisors representing Districts 1, 3, and 11. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes. Discussion shall not exceed five minutes per Supervisor.
1. Mr. Mayor, we are all excited to have an opportunity to raise the minimum wage this November. Thank you for your leadership on this issue. Unfortunately, even with this potential increase on the horizon, many of our workers face significant barriers to achieving economic stability.
Formula retail establishments are a major employment base for San Francisco: there are approximately 1,250 formula retail establishments in the City, accounting for 12% of all retailers. The City has a strong interest in ensuring that the jobs created by these formula retail establishments are jobs that allow workers to meet basic needs and achieve economic security.
However, these employers have increasingly moved to scheduling practices that relegate their employees to involuntary part-time status and leave them with unpredictable and unstable work schedules, which contribute to the economic insecurity of their employees.
This unpredictability and instability in work schedules makes it extremely difficult for employees to plan a weekly budget, arrange for childcare, take on a second job, pursue job training, arrange for transportation to and from work, or attend class. These schedules significantly undermine workers’ efforts to achieve economic security for themselves and their families.
Giving part-time employees the opportunity work more hours when the work is available advances the interests of the City as a whole by creating jobs that keep workers and their families out of poverty, and will help these workers meet basic needs and avoid economic hardship.
I am currently working on a proposal that will help to achieve these goals, can I count on your support in helping this sector of our workforce? (Supervisor Mar, District 1)
2. Mr. Mayor, last month, Supervisor Jane Kim and three colleagues introduced a ballot measure that would limit the production of market rate housing based on the total percentage of affordable housing in the City. You and others have argued that such a measure is counter-productive. In response, you introduced the “Build Housing Now” ballot measure, which is a statement of support for construction of housing at all levels, with language that would invalidate key portions of Supervisor Kim’s measure.
Given our ongoing housing affordability crisis in San Francisco, I believe we must move beyond a divisive November ballot fight that would not actually build new housing and instead focus on ideas such as a 2015 affordable housing bond and a right of first purchase for tenants. Under what circumstances could we move beyond dueling ballot measures and work together to meet the housing needs of all of our residents? (Supervisor Chiu, District 3)
3. In April 2013, the Board of Supervisors unanimously passed my resolution urging the Retirement Board to divest from fossil fuels.
In February of this year, the Retirement Board initiated “Level 1” passive shareholder engagement with fossil fuel companies, but they have yet to take any steps to divest from fossil fuels or limit the Retirement Fund’s exposure to the financial risks posed by climate change.
In April of this year on KQED's Forum program, you said that you have considered our resolution urging the Retirement Board to divest as part of "conversations that I am having with members of that Board to make sure they're in line with the City's values."
Last month, the Retirement Board held a special meeting dedicated to an Educational Session on Fossil Fuels. They heard from Bevis Longstreth, a former Securities and Exchange Commissioner, who explained the risks of investing in fossil fuel stocks in a post-climate change world and several other experts who explained how the Retirement Board could responsibly divest from fossil fuels while maintaining their fiduciary duty to protect and grow our retirement funds.
Mr. Mayor, how do you propose we work together with the Retirement Board to divest from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in less financially risky sectors of the energy market that can help support our local economy and create local jobs? (Supervisor Avalos, District 11)