Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of the Planning Commission's March 22, 2012, approval of a Conditional Use Authorization identified as Planning Case No. 2007.0030ECKMRZ, by its Motion No. 18567 for a Planned Unit Development, including specific modifications of Planning Code requirements regarding bulk limitations, rear yard, off-street loading, and off-street parking, and to allow development exceeding 50 feet in height within an RC District, to allow a non-accessory off-street parking garage, to allow commercial uses above the ground floor, and to allow non-residential uses exceeding 6,000 square feet pursuant to Planning Code Sections 209.7(d), 209.8(c), 209.8(f), 253, 303, and 304, with respect to a proposal to demolish an existing surface parking lot and health club, and to construct a new health club, residential buildings ranging from four to twelve stories in height containing 134 dwelling units, ground floor retail uses totaling approximately 20,000 square feet, and 382 off-street parking spaces within the RC-4 (Residential-Commercial, High Density) District, and the 84-E Height and Bulk District, and adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act, on property located at 8 Washington Street/Seawall Lot 351, Assessor’s Block No. 0168/Lot No. 058, Block No. 0171/Lot No. 069, and Block No. 0201/Lot Nos. 012-013 (including Seawall Lot 351). (District 3) (Appellant: Sue Hestor on behalf of the Friends of Golden Gateway and subscribed by Supervisors Chiu, Campos, Avalos, Mar, and Kim) (Filed April 17, 2012).