Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of the Planning Department dated May 2, 2007, Case No. 2005.0365E, exempting from environmental review under Categorical Exemption Class 1 [State CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15301(a) and (e)]. The project would expand an existing one-story-plus attic, 1,056-square-foot single-family dwelling and minor alterations to an accessory rear one-story-plus-attic, 300-square-foot cottage on an approximately 3,250-square-foot lot. The proposed expansion consists of a two-story, approximately 24-foot-high, 22-foot-deep addition to the rear of the dwelling, which would add approximately 1,020 square feet of habitable area. In addition, the project includes raising the dwelling by 2 feet and constructing an approximately 800-square-foot below-grade garage and basement area increasing the building height from 16-1/2 feet to 18-1/2 feet. The existing front set back of 11-1/2 feet would not change. In addition, the proposal would alter an accessory rear one-story-plus-attic, 300-square foot cottage by removing a kitchen. The project site (Assessor's Block 2749, Lot 017) is within an RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (Appellant: F. Joseph Butler, AIA, on behalf of Susan Lally and Priscilla Botsford)