Ordinance amending the San Francisco General Plan by approving General Plan amendments to implement the Visitacion Valley Redevelopment Plan (which includes a portion of the Visitacion Valley neighborhood and the Schlage Lock site within the City and County of San Francisco, the boundaries of which are designated on Sectional Map No. 10 SU of the Zoning Maps of the City and County of San Francisco, and which generally includes the properties bounded by Bayshore, Blanken and Tunnel Avenue to the San Francisco/San Mateo County line to the south, including the properties fronting Bayshore Boulevard from Arleta Avenue to the San Francisco/San Mateo County line to the south and including the properties fronting Leland Avenue from Cora Street to Bayshore Boulevard) by amending the Arts Element, Commerce and Industry Element, Recreation and Open Space Element, Transportation Element, and Urban Design Elements; making environmental findings and findings that the proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Ver2, 3. Leg_Final