Hearing to consider the following issues related to the Department of Public Health: A review of the financial condition of the Department of Public Health for fiscal year 1999-2000, including projections of current year revenues, expenditures and required General Fund support; whether a supplemental appropriation will be needed by DPH for fiscal year 1999-2000 and, if so, projections of the amount of such an appropriation; the impact of the Department's financial condition on public health and community health network programs, including a status report on the Department's hiring freeze, current staffing levels, planned or implemented reductions in service and delays in implementing planned programs, including UCSF contracted programs at DPH facilities; a review of progress implementing Board-approved allocations for improvements to service in the Pharmacy, including proposed increases in staffing and capital improvements; a review of San Francisco General Hospital's emergency room case load and wait times since the recent closure of Mt. Zion's emergency room; a review of capital and maintenance expenditures made during fiscal year 1999-2000, the current condition of the physical plant at San Francisco General Hospital and the Community Health Network and the Department's entire list of pending or proposed capital expenditures; and projections for fiscal year 2000-2001 budget.