Pursuant to Charter Sections 2.103 and 3.100(7), and Administrative Code Section 2.11, the Mayor shall answer the following eligible questions submitted from Supervisors representing Districts 1, 3, and 9. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes. Discussion shall not exceed five minutes per Supervisor.
1. I recently introduced legislation that will address the relative lack of access to fresh food in some of our neighborhoods, including the Outer Richmond, where many seniors do not have enough stores that can provide for their nutritional needs. The Healthy Food Retailer Incentives Program will coordinate the critically needed efforts of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development and the Department of Public Health that are already underway. These pilot programs in the Tenderloin and the Bayview are helping convenience and corner stores move away from a reliance on alcohol and tobacco products to be able to provide fresh produce and other healthy foods to those neighborhoods that need healthy options the most. My legislation will help to sustain and expand these efforts. I would like to know if you will support this effort and commit to helping us fund the OEWD staff position that will coordinate our new Fresh Food Retailer Incentives Program? (Supervisor Mar, District 1)
2. San Francisco is facing a $4 billion retiree health care liability. What is your Administration doing to address this challenge? (Supervisor Chiu, District 3)
3. I believe that I am not alone among my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors when I respectfully submit that Mayoral Question Time is not as useful as it could be. I would appreciate the opportunity to engage with you about important policy issues facing my district and the City, but I do not believe that the current structure of Question Time allows for the kind of meaningful dialogue some of us would like to see. Would you support restructuring Mayoral Question Time in order to allow members of the Board of Supervisors to ask follow-up questions and engage in a dialogue with you about the critical issues facing our city and residents? (Supervisor Campos, District 9)