File #: 090624    Version: 1 Name: Charter Amendment - Setting Transit Operator Wages and Benefits Solely Through Collective Bargaining
Type: Charter Amendment Status: Filed
Introduced: 5/19/2009 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 8/1/2009
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend Sections 8A.104, A8.409-1, A8.409-4 and A8.428 and deleting Section A8.404 of the Charter to eliminate the formula setting a floor for transit operator wages and providing that wages and benefits for transit operators shall be set through collective bargaining and that any impasse in collective bargaining shall be resolved through interest arbitration.
Sponsors: Sean Elsbernd
Attachments: 1. Legislation_Ver1
Legislation Details
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