Ordinance designating a portion of State Trust Parcel 2 adjacent to Park P1 for public right-of-way purposes; approving a map showing such areas and declaring such areas to be open public right-of-way; naming the new right-of-way (Channel); designating street grades, sidewalk widths, and street parking restrictions; accepting the irrevocable offer for the acquisition facilities; designating said facilities to public use and accepting for maintenance responsibilities and liability purposes, subject to specified limitations; accepting an agreement relating to temporary City access, subject to specified limitations; adopting findings that such actions are consistent with the City’s General Plan, eight priority policy findings of City Planning Code section 101.1, and the Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plan; accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 174,529 and authorizing official acts in connection with this ordinance.
1. Leg_Ver2, 2. Leg_Final