Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to waive, retroactively to July 1, 2023, certain first-year permit, license, and business registration fees for specified small businesses that newly form or that open a new location; and refunding any waived fees that have been paid to the City.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. MYR Memo 060123, 4. MYR Budget Submission Ltr 060123, 5. MYR 30-day Waiver Req Memo 060123, 6. MYR Trailing Leg List, 7. Pres Action Memo - 30 Day Waiver 060523, 8. FYI Referral 060623, 9. SBC Referral 060623, 10. Cmte Pkt 061423, 11. BLA Rpt 061423, 12. Cmte Pkt 062123, 13. BLA Rpt 062123, 14. Cmte Pkt 062223, 15. Cmte Pkt 062323, 16. Cmte Pkt 062623, 17. BLA Rpt 062823, 18. SBC Response 062723, 19. Cmte Pkt 062823, 20. Leg Ver2, 21. Leg Dig Ver2, 22. Board Pkt 071123, 23. Board Pkt 071823, 24. Board Pkt 072523, 25. Leg Final