Resolution authorizing the Sheriff’s Department to enter into a contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to contract for, accept and expend up to $4,195,576 to establish the San Francisco County Secure Reentry Program Facility (SPRF) to house for up to 60 days state inmates that are scheduled to be released from state prison within 60 days or less to Post Release Community Supervision in San Francisco County. The Sheriff’s Department will provide housing appropriate for program delivery. The Adult Probation Department will provide intensive, in-custody evidence-based reentry programming, which will address offenders’ underlying criminogenic needs. The Sheriff’s Department and Adult Probation Department shall jointly report to the State Legislature and CDCR on the implementation of this SPRF after a period of one, two and three years as part of this pilot program, to commence upon Board approval for a three-year term. The Sheriff’s Department and Adult Probation will report annually to the Board of Supervisors and the Capital Planning Committee on the increase in the average daily inmate population.