Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of the Planning Department dated August 24, 2005, exempting from environmental review under Categorical Exemption [State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 (Class 1)], the proposed interior renovations, façade alteration and horizontal and vertical extensions of the existing two-family residence. The existing two-story building is approximately 1,848 feet in size and has one off-street parking space. Upon completion of the proposed project, the building would have two residential units in a three-story, approximately 4,700 square-foot building with two off-street parking spaces in the ground floor garage. The proposed project would result in a horizontal addition that would extend the existing building about six feet to the north property line and 18 feet west into the rear yard and a vertical addition that would add a third floor to the existing building. The project would also include interior renovations and alteration of the façade.
The approximately 3,710 square-foot project site is located at 733-27th Avenue (Assessor’s Block 1617, Lot 3), The project is within RH-2 (House, Two-Family) zoning district and within a 40X height and bulk district. (Appellant: Stephen M. Williams representing the neighbors of the above-referenced project.)