Ordinance waiving the competitive solicitation requirement under Administrative Code, Section 6.40, and authorizing the General Manager of the Recreation and Park Department to enter into a professional services agreement with Aidlin Darling Design in the amount of $837,863, for the purpose of completing design development documents and partial completion of construction documents for the Geneva Car Barn and Powerhouse project, and to amend the agreement as necessary to complete final (100 percent) construction documents, to commence following Board approval.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Form 126 BOS, 4. Form 126 Mayor, 5. Bdgt_Analyst_Rpt_040214, 6. Comm Pkt 040214, 7. Leg Ver2, 8. Board_Pkt_040814, 9. Board_Pkt_041514, 10. Ethics 126, 11. Leg_Final