Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $300,000 from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to participate in a program entitled Hepatitis B Early Identification and Linkage to Care for Foreign-Born Persons with Hepatitis B in San Francisco for the period of September 30, 2013, through September 29, 2014.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. 131070 Support2, 3. 131070 Support3, 4. 131070 Support4, 5. 131070 Support5, 6. 131070 Support6, 7. 131070 Support7, 8. 131070 Support8, 9. 131070 Support9, 10. 131070 Support10, 11. 131070 Support11, 12. 131070 Support12, 13. 131070 Support13, 14. Form 126, 15. 131070.pdf, 16. Comm_Pkt_111313, 17. Board_Pkt_111913, 18. Leg_Final