Resolution authorizing the Department of the Environment (“Environment Department”) to accept and expend a grant award of $14,996,876 for an anticipated term of up to eight years beginning in the first half of calendar year 2025, from the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration for the development and deployment of up to 300 electric vehicle charging stations in San Francisco, for related outreach and education, and for evaluation of the project as submitted in the application, entitled “Boosting Charging by 30% for San Francisco Residents”; and delegating authority under Charter, Section 9.118(a), to the Director of the San Francisco Environment Department to approve a grant agreement between the City, acting by and through the Environment Department, and the Department of Transportation, for an anticipated term of up to eight years beginning in the first half of calendar year 2025, from February 1, 2025, through January 31, 2032, and for a total not to exceed amount of $14,996,876.