File #: 250235    Version: 1 Name: Loan Agreement - Hazel Eddy Woolsey LLC - 1652-1654 Eddy Street, 3554-17th Street, and 195 Woolsey Street - Not to Exceed $11,595,214
Type: Resolution Status: New Business
Introduced: 3/11/2025 In control: Budget and Finance Committee
On agenda: Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) with Hazel Eddy Woolsey LLC to execute documents relating to a loan in an aggregate total amount not to exceed $11,595,214 to finance the acquisition, rehabilitation, and permanent financing of three existing affordable multifamily rental housing projects for low-income households, known as the “Bernal Bundle” consisting of a total of 26 residential rental units and two commercial units in three buildings located at 1652-1654 Eddy Street, 3554-17th Street, and 195 Woolsey Street (collectively, the “Project”); affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the Project and the proposed transactions are consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing the Director of MOHCD or his or her designee to execute the loan documents for the Project and make certain modifications to such loan documents, as defined herein, and take certain actions in furtherance of this Resolution, as defined herein.
Sponsors: Mayor
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. DRAFT PASS Amended and Restated Loan Agrmt, 3. DRAFT Amended and Restated Prom Note, 4. DRAFT PASS MR Prom Note, 5. DRAFT PASS BMR Prom Note, 6. DRAFT PASS Deferred Prom Note, 7. DRAFT Deed of Trust, 8. DRAFT PASS Deed of Trust, 9. DRAFT Amended and Restated Dec of Restrictions (Woolsey), 10. DRAFT Amended and Restated Dec of Restrictions (Eddy), 11. DRAFT Amended and Restated Dec of Restrictions (17th), 12. DRAFT HOME Sub of Trustee Full Reconveyance (Woolsey), 13. DRAFT HOME Sub of Trustee Full Reconveyance (Eddy), 14. DRAFT HOPWA Sub of Trustee Full Reconveyance (Eddy), 15. DRAFT HOPWA Sub of Trustee Full Reconveyance (17th), 16. DRAFT Hotel Tax Sub of Trustee Full Reconveyance, 17. DRAFT Developer Fee Agrmt, 18. CAHLC Approved Loan Eval 020725, 19. PLN GPR 080824, 20. MYR Memo 031125, 21. Form 126, 22. MOHCD Presentation 032625, 23. BLA Rpt 032625, 24. Cmte Pkt 032625
Legislation Details
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