File #: 200505    Version: 1 Name: Conditionally Disapproving Decision of Public Works and Disapproving Tentative Map - 3000-3012 Larkin Street and 898 North Point Street
Type: Motion Status: Killed
Introduced: 5/21/2020 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: 6/9/2020 Final action: 6/9/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Motion conditionally disapproving the decision of Public Works and disapproving the Tentative Map for a four lot vertical subdivision with proposed Lot 1 being five new residential condominium units, proposed Lot 2 being one new commercial space, proposed Lot 3 being three new commercial condominium units, and proposed Lot 4 comprised of two existing residential apartments projects at 3000-3012 Larkin Street and 898 North Point Street, Assessor's Parcel Block No. 0025, Lot No. 024, subject to the Board of Supervisors’ adoption of written findings in support of the disapproval.
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. Board Pkt 060920
Legislation Details
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