Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to repeal the City Employee’s Sexual Privacy Ordinance; direct the Department of Human Resources (DHR) to request that applicants for City employment voluntarily provide sexual orientation and gender identity information; direct City departments to request that employees voluntarily provide anonymous sexual orientation and gender identity information when responding to surveys that also seek other demographic information; and direct DHR to develop systems for voluntary collection and confidential retention of sexual orientation and gender identity information.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral FYI 070621, 4. Comm Pkt 092721, 5. Board Pkt 100521, 6. Leg Ver2, 7. Leg Dig Ver2, 8. Leg Dig Ver2 revised, 9. Comm Pkt 101821, 10. Comm Rpt Req 101421, 11. Cmte Rpt 101821, 12. Board Pkt 102621, 13. Leg Final