Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the Planning Director's Discretionary Review dated September 30, 2002, Case No. 2002.0803DDDD, recommending approval, with certain revisions, of Building Permit Application Nos. 2002.03.15.1545, 2002.03.21.2036 and 2002.03.15.1556, proposing to construct a new, 27-foot tall single-family dwelling and a detached garage on a vacant lot, and to construct a second detached garage on an adjoining lot, within an RH-1(D) (Residential House, One-Family Detached) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District, on property located at 281-285 Edgewood Avenue, west side, south of Belmont Avenue; Lots 042 and 043, in Assessor's Block 2641.