Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to authorize the Tax Collector to waive taxes, penalties, and/or interest under a program ending December 31, 2027, that allows unregistered taxpayers to voluntarily disclose and pay back taxes; and to authorize the Tax Collector to collect fees through December 31, 2027, for reviewing applications for and providing advance determinations to taxpayers.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. TTX Ltr 112524, 4. Leg Ver2, 5. Leg Dig Ver2, 6. TTX Ltr 010724, 7. 10-Day Fee Ad 030525, 8. TTX Presentation 030525, 9. Cmte Pkt 030525, 10. Board Pkt 031125, 11. Board Pkt 031825, 12. Leg Final