File #: 250228    Version: 1 Name: Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes - MP Turk Street Associates, L.P. - 850 Turk Street - Not to Exceed $64,000,000
Type: Resolution Status: New Business
Introduced: 3/11/2025 In control: Budget and Finance Committee
On agenda: Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of multifamily housing revenue notes in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $64,000,000 for the purpose of providing financing for the construction of a 92-unit multifamily rental housing project known as “850 Turk Street”; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a funding loan agreement providing the terms and conditions of the construction loan from the funding lender to the City, and the execution and delivery of the notes; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a borrower loan agreement providing the terms and conditions of the construction loan from the City to MP Turk Street Associates, L.P. (the “Borrower"); approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a regulatory agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants for the project; authorizing the collection of certain fees; approving, for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the issuance and sale of residential mortgage revenue notes by the City in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $64,000,000; approving modifications, changes and additions to the documents; ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the funding loan, the borrower loan, the notes and the project; granting general authority to City officials to take actions necessary to implement this Resolution, as defined herein; and related matters, as defined herein.
Sponsors: Mayor, Stephen Sherrill
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. DRAFT Funding Loan Agmt, 3. DRAFT Borrower Loan Amnt, 4. DRAFT Regulatory Agmt, 5. CDLAC Reso No. 24-239 121124, 6. TEFRA Notice of Public Hearing 010324, 7. TEFRA Proof of Publication 011525, 8. TEFRA Hearing Minutes 011525, 9. TEFRA Certification 011525, 10. MYR Cover Ltr 031125, 11. Form 126, 12. Cmte Pkt 032625, 13. MOHCD Presentation 032625
Related files: 221204
Legislation Details
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