Ordinance authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to set parking rates at the Kezar Stadium Parking Lot, and Golden Gate Park Underground Parking Facility in accordance with Park Code provisions that authorize SFMTA rate-setting on park property and subject to Board of Supervisors approval, and making conforming edits to the Park Code; increasing parking rates for berth-holders at the Marina Small Craft Harbor; clarifying that the fines for certain violations of the Transportation Code apply to similar violations occurring on park property; clarifying the authority of Park Patrol to enforce the Park Code and issue parking citations; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
1. MYR Budget Submittal Memo FY21-22 060121, 2. MYR 30-day Waiver Memo 060121, 3. Referral - CEQA Review 080221, 4. CEQA Determination 080221, 5. 10 Day Fee Ad 090821, 6. Comm Pkt 090821, 7. Comm Pkt 092221, 8. Leg Ver1, 9. Leg Dig Ver1, 10. Leg Ver2, 11. Leg Dig Ver2, 12. Public Correspondence, 13. 10 Day Fee Ad 110321, 14. Referral CEQA 102821, 15. CEQA Determination 11/1/21, 16. Comm Pkt 110321, 17. Presidential Action Memo 110121, 18. Leg Ver3, 19. Leg Dig Ver3, 20. Referral CEQA 110521, 21. CEQA Determination 110821, 22. Comm Pkt 111021, 23. Leg Ver4, 24. Leg Dig Ver4, 25. Board Pkt 111621, 26. Board Pkt 113021, 27. Leg Final