Motion approving phased Final Map 12077, Sunnydale HOPE SF Project, Final Map Phases 3 and 4, relating to portions of the Sunnydale HOPE SF Project, the merger and re-subdivision of existing Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 6310, Lot No. 006, Block No. 6311, Lot No. 015, Block No. 6313, Lot No. 001, and Block No. 6314, Lot No. 001, together with Parcel H created by Final Map 11040, resulting in nine horizontal lots, comprised of four lots intended for residential use, two lots intended for open space use, and three lots dedicated to the City by separate instrument intended for right-of-way use, and authorizing up to 64 Residential Condominium Units, subject to specified conditions; and approving a Public Improvement Agreement related to the Final Map.