Ordinance amending Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code by: (1) amending Section 37.9(a)(8) governing evictions for owner or owner-relative move-in ("OMI") to require that the owner/relative move into the property within three months and live in the property for 36 months, to require a 50 percent or greater ownership interest in order to evict under OMI as to owners acquiring rental property after July 1, 1997, to limit evictions for owner's relatives, to prohibit OMI eviction if any comparable unit owned by the landlord is vacant and available prior to the tenant's vacation of the unit: (2) adding Section 37.9B to require owner documentation for OMI evictions, to provide rights to tenants evicted under OMI including a three-year right of re-rental and limitations on rent increases, and to provide a right to relocation costs for tenants of 12 months or more in multiple-unit buildings; (3) amending Section 37.10A to make it a misdemeanor for an owner to refuse to rent to a senior-age person because that person would acquire rights under this chapter; and (4) amending Section 37.11A to provide a right of civil legal action against an owner who attempts to prevent a person from acquiring rights under this chapter.