Ordinance amending Articles 19F and 19I of the San Francisco Health Code by amending Sections 1009.20-1009.23, 1009.25, and 1009.81; adding Sections 1009.26, 1009.27, and 1009.29-1009.32; and repealing Section 1009.24, to prohibit smoking in: 1) business establishments and bars regardless of whether owner-operated; 2) common areas of multi-unit housing complexes; 3) tourist lodging facilities; 4) tobacco shops; 5) charity bingo games; 6) unenclosed dining areas of restaurants; 7) service waiting areas; 8) areas outside entrances, exits and operable windows and vents of all buildings except at the curb of the nearest street, sidewalk or alley; 9) farmers markets; and 10) vehicles owned by the City and County of San Francisco; establishing obligations for property owners and managers to prevent smoking in prohibited areas; adding administrative procedures and penalties; repealing criminal penalties; adding provisions for cost recovery and liens; and adding Administrative Code Section 10.100-193, to establish a new Public Health Environmental Health Code Compliance Fund.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Dig_Ver1, 3. Comm_Packet_020110, 4. Leg_Ver2, 5. Leg_Dig_Ver2, 6. Response_Youth_021810, 7. Comm_Packet_022210, 8. Leg_Ver3, 9. Leg_Dig_Ver3, 10. Board_Packet_030210, 11. Leg_Ver4, 12. Board_Packet_030910, 13. Leg_Ver5, 14. Board_Packet_031610, 15. Leg_Final