Motion directing the Office of the Legislative Analyst to pursue training from the City Controller and the Board of Supervisors Budget Analyst in how the City budget and budget process work; to coordinate with the Budget Analyst to review recent audits published by the Budget Analyst and the Controller to identify cost-saving measures identified in audits and other reports that have not been implemented; to provide staff support to policy and fiscal committees of the Board of Supervisors during hearings on budget-related matters; to prioritize such work over Board-approved motions or individual requests received by the Office until the FY 02-03 budget is approved by the Board of Supervisors and directing the Board of Supervisors Budget Analyst to coordinate with the Office of the Legislative Analyst on budget-related work; to continue to review the Mayor's balanced budget proposal in the month of June; to create a consent calendar procedure for Board Committees such that the Budget Analyst's reports on consent matters can be substantially reduced in order to provide additional Budget Analyst staff time to budget-related matters; and to explore other changes to its annual budget review designed to enhance the Board's budget review process.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Ver2, 3. Leg_Final