Hearing of the Board of Supervisors sitting as a Committee of the Whole on February 11, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., to hold a public hearing to consider the proposed Ordinance (File No. 191181) ordering the vacation of streets on a portion of the Vallejo Street right-of-way, generally bounded by Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0138, Lot No. 001, and Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0139, Lot No. 002, between Davis Street and The Embarcadero and a portion of the Davis Street right-of-way as part of improvements for the Teatro ZinZanni hotel, entertainment venue, and public open space project; making findings about the Mitigated Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the actions contemplated in the Ordinance are consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing official acts in connection with the Ordinance, as defined therein; scheduled pursuant to Resolution No. 1-20, adopted on January 14, 2020.