Ordinance: 1) amending the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code by adding Section 609 to establish Parking Tax Simplification for Residential Properties to relieve residential property owners and managers renting five or fewer parking spaces in Parking Stations physically attached to or otherwise associated with the building from the requirement to: (a) obtain a certificate of authority, (b) make monthly tax prepayments, (c) obtain a parking tax bond, and (d) providing amnesty from parking taxes, interest, penalties and fees owed for tax periods ending before April 1, 2011; 2) amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 2219.7 to exempt property owners and managers registered pursuant to Section 609 from the requirement to pay the Revenue Control Equipment compliance fee; 3) amending the Planning Code Section 204.5 to allow as an accessory use up to five dwelling unit parking spaces to be leased to persons living off-site anywhere in the City; 4) making conforming changes to the Planning Code Section 150(d); 5) amending the Police Code Section 1215 to eliminate the requirement to hold a commercial parking permit for property owners and managers registered pursuant to Section 609 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code; and 6) making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the general plan.