File #: 150515    Version: 1 Name: Memorandum of Understanding - Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Unit 17
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Introduced: 5/19/2015 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 6/29/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #: 103-15
Title: Ordinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Unit 17, to be effective July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2018.
Sponsors: Mayor
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. DHR Ltr 051515, 3. DHR Memo UAPD Highlights, 4. MOU Redline, 5. MOU Clean, 6. Referral FYI 052715, 7. Referral MOU 052715, 8. Comm Pkt 061115, 9. MOU Costing Packet, 10. Board Pkt 061615, 11. Board Pkt 062315, 12. Leg Final
Related files: 150519, 150518, 150516, 150517, 180040
Legislation Details
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