Petitions and Communications received from May 14, 2018, through May 25, 2018, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on June 5, 2018.
Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information will not be redacted.
From the Office of the Mayor, pursuant to Charter, Section 5.122(a), making the following appointments to the Early Care and Education Citizens Advisory Committee. Copy: Each Supervisor. (1)
· Reappointing Meredith Osborn - Seat 1 - term ending May 17, 2020
· Appointing Fonda Davidson - Seat 3 - term ending May 17, 2020
· Reappointing Lygia Stebbing - Seat 5 - term ending May 17, 2020
From the Office of the Mayor, pursuant to Charter, Section 4.109, resubmitting the following appointments to the Police Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor. (2)
· Joe Marshall - term ending April 30, 2022
· Sonia E. Melara - term ending April 30, 2022
From the Office of the Mayor, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 5.9, submitting State Legislation Committee approved bill positions from the May 23, 2018, meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (3)
From the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting a CCSF Monthly Pooled Investment Report for April 2018. Copy: Each Supervisor. (4)
From Public Works, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 6.60(a), submitting declaration of emergencies for Division Circle. 4 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (5)
From the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, submitting the 2017 Annual Report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6)
From the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare, pursuant to Health Code, Section 41.3, submitting the 2017 Annual Report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7)
From the Office of Small Business, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 2A.243(e)(1), submitting the 2017-2018 annual report of the Legacy Business Program. Copy: Each Supervisor. (8)
From the Planning Department, submitting a Notice of Availability for Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Hub Plan, 30 Van Ness Avenue Project, 98 Franklin Street Project and Hub Housing Sustainability District. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9)
From the Office of the Controller, submitting an Economic Analysis Impact Report on File No. 180373. Copy: Each Supervisor. (10)
From the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII), pursuant to Interagency Cooperation Agreement (ICA), Section 11.2(c), between the City and OCII, regarding Candlestick Point/Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 2 project. Copy: Each Supervisor. (11)
From Terry Chong, regarding the housing crisis, bag fee, and vacant retail stores. Copy: Each Supervisors. (12)
From Lindsey Quock of Perkins Cole LLP, submitting letters of support for the proposed legislation renaming Julius Kahn playground. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13)
From Donna Williams, regarding homelessness. Copy: Each Supervisor. (14)
From concerned citizens, regarding the proposed legislation amending the Administrative Code to prohibit landlords from seeking rent increases. 3 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From Jordan Davis, regarding the reappointments of Sonia Melara and Joseph Marshall to the Police Commission. File Nos. 180544 and 180543. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16)
From Public Defender Jeff Adachi, regarding the appointment of Cindy Elias to the Police Commission. File No. 180538. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From concerned citizens, regarding the appointment of Cindy Elias to the Police Commission. File No. 180538. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18)
From concerned citizens, regarding the appointment of John Hamasaki to the Police Commission. File No. 180538. 12 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19)
From Matthew King, President, Lozeau Drury LLP, regarding a CEQA and land use request for the project known as PPA Case No. 2018-001156PPA. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20)
From Kim, regarding the swans at the Palace of Fine Arts. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21)
From Tetra Tech, regarding the Land Use and Transportation Committee hearing on May 14, 2018. Copy: Each Supervisor. (22)
From Pacific Gas and Electric, submitting notice of request to increase rates for the Greenhouse Gas Financing cost application. Copy: Each Supervisor. (23)
From Annette Leung, regarding the appointment of Julie Soo to the Police Commission. File No. 180538. Copy: Each Supervisor. (24)
From Christine Harris, regarding motorized scooters. 2 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (25)
From Gary Pegueros, regarding Bay to Breakers. Copy: Each Supervisor. (26)
From the Planning Department’s Historic Preservation Commission, regarding the process for establishment of Cultural Districts. File No. 171140. (27)
From concerned citizens, submitting petitions to reappoint Kathrin Moore, 252 signatures, and Dennis Richards, 107 signatures, to the Planning Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor. (28)