Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to confer upon certain nonprofit organizations a first-right-to-purchase, consisting of both a right of first offer and a right of first refusal, over all multi-family residential buildings (and related construction sites and vacant lots) in the City, for the purpose of creating and preserving rent-restricted affordable rental housing, and to establish related procedures for the selection of such nonprofits, the preservation of rent-restricted affordable housing, and other implementation and enforcement; amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to exempt rent-restricted affordable housing created under this ordinance from increased rates of transfer tax; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral PC 122718, 4. Referral Planning 010919, 5. Referral CEQA 010919, 6. Referral FYI 010919, 7. Leg Ver2, 8. Leg Dig Ver2, 9. CEQA Determination 012219, 10. Planning Response 022019, 11. Referral CEQA 031419, 12. Referral PC 031419, 13. Referral PLN 031419, 14. Referral FYI 031419, 15. Comm Pkt 040319, 16. CEQA Determination 032919, 17. Leg Ver3, 18. Leg Dig Ver3, 19. BLA Report 041019, 20. Comm Pkt 041019, 21. Referral CEQA 040919, 22. Referral PC 040919, 23. Referral PLN 040919, 24. Referral FYI 040919, 25. CEQA Determination 040919, 26. Board Pkt 041619, 27. Board Pkt 042319, 28. Leg Final