File #: 181227    Version: 1 Name: Debt Management Policy and Procedures - Controller’s Office of Public Finance
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Introduced: 12/11/2018 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 2/8/2019
Enactment date: 2/8/2019 Enactment #: 053-19
Title: Resolution approving the Controller's Office of Public Finance debt management policy and procedures to manage the debt issuance process, in accordance with California Government Code, Section 8855; and determining other matters in connection therewith, as defined herein.
Sponsors: Mayor
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. Debt Policy 1218, 3. CON Ltr 121218, 4. BLA Report 011019, 5. Comm Pkt 011019, 6. Board Pkt 012919, 7. Leg Final
Related files: 200089, 170631
Legislation Details
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