Motion that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session on December 10, 2019, pursuant to California Government Code, Section 54956.9(a), and San Francisco Administrative Code, Section 67.10(d)(1), for the purpose of conferring with, or receiving advice from, the City Attorney regarding the following existing litigation in which the City is a petitioner and Pacific Gas & Electric Company is an adverse party: In re: PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas & Electric Company, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, Case No. 19-30088-DM, filed January 29, 2019; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. EL19-38-000, filed January 28, 2019; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER18-1482-000, filed April 30, 2018; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER18-1102-000, filed March 15, 2018; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER18-790-000, filed, February 2, 2018; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER18-768-000, filed January 31, 2018; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER18-198-000, filed October 31, 2017; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER17-2406-000, filed August 31, 2017; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER17-2181-000, filed July 31, 2017; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER17-2204, filed July 31, 2017; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER17-1509-000, filed May 1, 2017; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER17-910-000, filed January 31, 2017; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. EL15-3-000, filed October 10, 2014; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER15-702-000, filed December 23, 2014; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER15-703-000, filed December 23, 2014; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER15-704-000, filed December 23, 2014; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER15-705-000, filed December 23, 2014; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Case No. ER15-735-000, filed December 23, 2014; California Public Utilities Commission Case No. I.15-08-019, filed February 25, 2015; California Public Utilities Commission Case No. R.18-10-007, filed October 25, 2018; and California Public Utilities Commission Case No. R.19-01-006, filed January 10, 2019.