File #: 041079    Version: Name: Eminent Domain - Resolution of Necessity (80 Natoma)
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Introduced: 8/10/2004 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 8/17/2004 Final action: 10/7/2004
Enactment date: Enactment #: 612-04
Title: Resolution authorizing acquisition of Lots 45A, 46, 53, and 54 in Assessor's Block 3721 in San Francisco by Eminent Domain for the Transbay Terminal/Caltrain Downtown Extension/Redevelopment Project; adopting environmental findings under the California Environmental Quality Act, State Guidelines, and Administrative Code Chapter 31; and adopting findings under the General Plan and City Planning Code Section 101.1.
Sponsors: Chris Daly, Tom Ammiano, Bevan Dufty
Attachments: 1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Ver2, 3. Leg_Final
Related files: 241137, 240373, 150435, 220854, 220858
Legislation Details
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