Ordinance implementing recent California State Legislature amendments of the Ellis Act (California Government Code §§7060 et seq., see §§7060 and 7060.1), by amending the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Administrative Code Chapter 37) at Sections 37.9(a)(13) and 37.9A(e) to provide that: when residential units are withdrawn from the rental market pursuant to the Ellis Act, each tenant who is relocated is entitled to a payment of $4,500 up to a maximum total per unit of $13,500 (37.9A(e)), for tenants who reside in their units on or after August 10, 2004, with these payment amounts to increase annually commencing March 1, 2005 according to the "rent of primary residence" expenditure category of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the preceding 12 months; and, owners may not withdraw defined residential hotel units from the rental market pursuant to the Ellis Act if the hotel’s occupancy permit was issued prior to January 1, 1990, and if the hotel did not file a notice of intent prior to January 1, 2004 to withdraw the units from the rental market (Section 37.9(a)(13)). Also amending Section 37.9A(e) to provide that the existing additional relocation payment of $3,000 to each senior (62 or older) or disabled tenant displaced when residential units are withdrawn from the rental market pursuant to the Ellis Act will likewise increase annually commencing March 1, 2005 according to the "rent of primary residence" expenditure category of the CPI for the preceding calendar year (see Section 37.9A(e)(3)(D)).