Petitions and Communications received from April 14, 2022, through April 21, 2022, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on April 26, 2022.
Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information will not be redacted.
From the Office of the Mayor, making an appointment to the following body. Copy: Each Supervisor. (1)
Nomination pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100(18):
· Human Rights Commission
o Leah Pimentel - term ending January 15, 2003
From the Department of Public Health, submitting COVID-19 DPH Update to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Omicron and BA.2, Vaccinations/Boosters, and Testing. Copy: Each Supervisor. (2)
From the Public Defender’s Office, submitting a press release, entitled “SF Jury Acquits Another Community Member Who Spent One Year in Jail Awaiting Trial.” Copy: Each Supervisor. (3)
From the Department of Public Health, submitting a response to Supervisor Safai’s Letter of Inquiry from the March 15, 2022, Board of Supervisors meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (4)
From the San Francisco Police Department, submitting a response to Supervisor Preston’s Letter of Inquiry from the March 22, 2022, Board of Supervisors meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (5)
From the Recreation and Park Department, pursuant to Board Resolution No. 157-99, submitting 3rd Quarter Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22 regarding Lead Poisoning Prevention. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6)
From the Office of Small Business, submitting a response to Board File No. 220240: Community Policing Plans - Foot/Bike Patrols. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7)
From the Human Services Agency, pursuant to Administrative Code, Sections 10.100-298 and 10.100-343, submitting the San Francisco Fire Victims Assistance Fund Report for Fiscal Years 2020-21. Copy: Each Supervisor. (8)
From the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, pursuant to Ordinance No. 143-21, Section 6, submitting the First Year Free Program Report. File No. 210741. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9)
From the State of California Office of Historic Preservation, pursuant to Public Resources Code, Section 4851(a)(2), submitting a notice that Glide Memorial Church was placed on the National Register of Historic Places (National Register). Copy: Each Supervisor. (10)
From the California Public Utilities Commission, submitting notice of a project from Verizon Wireless. Copy: Each Supervisor. (11)
From the Office of President Walton, submitting a memorandum regarding the Joint Committee of the Whole: Board of Supervisors and Transportation Authority on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 9:00a.m. Copy: Each Supervisor. (12)
From concerned citizens, regarding safety on Polk Street. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13)
From concerned citizens, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Park Code to adopt the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Plan. File No. 220261. 140 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (14)
From concerned citizens, regarding a Hearing to review the independent study on police staffing, current staffing levels, demands for service, and recruitment and retention initiatives at the Police Department; and requesting the Police Department to report. File No. 211245. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From concerned organizations, regarding various subjects concerning the Hetch Hetchy Water and Power (HHWP) and Wild and Scenic Tuolumne River Recreation. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding transit in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From Roberta Wahl of PLUM Architects Inc., regarding the Municipal Transportation Agency's Slow Streets Program in the Presidio. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18)
From Steven Pinsky, regarding the Rent Board fee. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19)
From Jesus Montoya, regarding Proposition K and the San Francisco Community Housing Act. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20)
From Cory Boren, regarding adding Utah to the Chapter 12X covered state List. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21)
From Hugo Nahuel, regarding various subjects. Copy: Each Supervisor. (22)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Great Highway. 7 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (23)