Petitions and Communications received from June 9, 2022, through June 23, 2022, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on June 28, 2022.
Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information will not be redacted.
From the Office of the Mayor, submitting a response to the 2021-2022 Civil Grand Jury report, titled “Shovel Ready: Best Practices and Collaboration to Improve San Francisco’s Capital Construction Program,” pursuant to California Penal Code, Sections 933 and 933.05. Copy: Each Supervisor. (1)
From the San Francisco Civil Grand Jury, submitting a substitute report, titled “Buried Problems and a Buried Process: The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in a Time of Climate Change.” Copy: Each Supervisor. (2)
From the President of the Board of Supervisors, calling a Special Board of Supervisors meeting to be scheduled on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Copy: Each Supervisor. (3)
From the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, pursuant to California State Government Code, Section 53646, submitting the City and County of San Francisco Pooled Investment Report for the month of May 2022. Copy: Each Supervisor. (4)
From the Police Department, regarding the First Quarter 2022 Report, per Chapter 96A, Law Enforcement Reporting Requirements and Crime Victim Data Reporting, pursuant to Administrative Code Chapter 96A. Copy: Each Supervisor. (5)
From the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, pursuant to Health Code, Section 227(c), submitting the Report on Accidental Overdose Deaths for June 2022. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6)
From the Human Services Agency, Department of Disability and Aging Services, submitting the County Veterans Services Office Semimanual Report, July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7)
From the Office of the City Administrator, submitting the Annual Healthy Air and Clean Transportation Ordinance Report for Fiscal Year 2021. Copy: Each Supervisor. (8)
From the Office of the City Attorney, making the following appointment to the Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9)
Nomination pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 5.44-2(b)(11):
- Steve Lipton
From the Department of Elections, submitting the Certification of Local Results from the June 7, 2022, Consolidated Statewide Direct Primary Election. Copy: Each Supervisor. (10)
From the Department of Public Health, submitting Directive of the Health Officer Nos. 2020-02h, 2020-03g, 2020-33j; Updates to Directive of the Health Officer No. 2020-14k; Updates to Order of the Health Officer No. C19-07y. Copy: Each Supervisor. (11)
From the Department of Public Health, submitting the weekly COVID-19 update, as of June 13, 2022. Copy: Each Supervisor. (12)
From the Office of the Controller, submitting the Mental Health San Francisco (MHSF) Implementation Working Group (IWG) Crisis Stabilization Unit Recommendations. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13)
From San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), regarding the General Election on November 8, 2022. Copy: Each Supervisor. (14)
From the California Fish and Game Commission, submitting a notice of Proposed 90-Day Extension of Emergency Regulations. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From Spencer Winston, regarding the Warriors parade on June 20, 2022. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16)
From the Service Provider Working Group, regarding an Ordinance to amend the Campaign and Government Conduct code to expand the definition of interested parties. File No. 201132. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From SF YIMBY, regarding an Ordinance amending the Planning, Administrative, and Subdivision Codes to rezone certain zoning districts. File No. 210866. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18)
From Ben Seisdedos, regarding the Treasure Island Child Development Center at 850 Avenue D. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19)
From International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 16, regarding the Market Street Linkage Center. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20)
From David Romano, regarding light pollution. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21)
From Glen Harvey, regarding an Ordinance amending the Park Code to adopt the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program. File No. 220339. Copy: Each Supervisor. (22)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding street trees. Copy: Each Supervisor. (23)
From concerned citizens, regarding COVID-19. 3 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (24)
From Richard Wood Massi, regarding sidewalk safety. Copy: Each Supervisor. (25)
From Leah Culver, regarding a Resolution disapproving the Mills Act Historical Property Contract for 714 Steiner Street. File No. 220738. Copy: Each Supervisor. (26)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding San Francisco State University and California State University growth and housing. Copy: Each Supervisor. (27)
From Roma Guy, regarding funding for the Sheriff’s Department. Copy: Each Supervisor. (28)
From Jim Bowlby, regarding drought surcharges. Copy: Each Supervisor. (29)
From UNITE HERE Local 2, regarding a Resolution of Intention to renew and expand the Tourism Improvement District. File No. 220649. Copy: Each Supervisor. (30)
From Shaun Evans, regarding Electronic Benefit Transfer, General Assistance, and Inflation. Copy: Each Supervisor. (31)
From Marlon Lee regarding a CCSF tuition collection. Copy: Each Supervisor. (32)
From the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, regarding financing for projects at 2550 Irving St., and 730 Stanyan St., pursuant to Health & Safety Code, Subsection 50675.7(3). Copy: Each Supervisor. (33)
From Fred Wise, regarding a Hearing - Committee of the Whole - Grant Agreements for Baker Places, Inc., and Positive Resource Center. File No. 220674.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (34)
From Emily Bugos, regarding allocation of funding collected by Proposition C, placed on the June 2018 San Francisco ballot. Copy: Each Supervisor. (35)
From David Romano, regarding micro-plastic pollution. Copy: Each Supervisor. (36)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding density on the West side of San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor. (37)
From the SF Climate Emergency Coalition, regarding funding for the City’s Climate Action Plan. Copy: Each Supervisor. (38)
From the Ingleside Merchants Association, regarding a Resolution receiving and approving an annual report for the Ocean Avenue Community Benefit District for FY 2019-2020. File No. 211014. Copy: Each Supervisor. (39)
From concerned citizens, regarding a Hearing on Laguna Honda Hospital’s Strategy for Recertification and the Submission of a Closure and Patient Transfer and Relocation Plan. File No. 220619. 3 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (40)
From Zoox, regarding an Ordinance amending the Planning Code - Electric Vehicle Charging Locations. File No. 220036. Copy: Each Supervisor. (41)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Welcome Ambassador Program. 53 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (42)
From concerned citizens, regarding homelessness. 25 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (43)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Tenderloin. 23 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (44)
From concerned citizens, regarding funding for the San Francisco Police Department. 14 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (45)
From concerned citizens, regarding a Charter Amendment to create the Homelessness Oversight Commission. File No. 220535. 6 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (46)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Shared Schoolyard Program. 4 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (47)
From concerned citizens, regarding downtown economic recovery. 4 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (48)
From concerned citizens, regarding the 2022 Dyke March. 3 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (49)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Great Highway. 2 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (50)
From concerned citizens, regarding funding for the Departm